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Micro Credentials

What are micro-credentials?

Micro-credentials provide a skillset and knowledge-base intended to help recipients achieve workforce and career success. Those who have earned a micro-credential award may choose to display their badge digitally, as a point of pride and where it can be viewed by prospective employers.


Why should I choose to enroll in a micro-credential program?


Customize your learning – at no additional cost

Learn what you want across fields of study in less time than it takes to complete a conventional degree. Micro-credentials allow you to complement your degree in your primary field of study, or add to your qualifications with an award outside your main area of study. You may enroll in a micro-credential program at no cost beyond the regular rate of tuition.


A “Mini Concentration”

Micro-credentials do not exceed 11 credits, making them more immediately accessible than a degree or advanced certificate. In many cases students are able to earn a micro-credential award in a single semester.


Credit flexibility.

Micro-credential awards appear on the academic transcript(s) of those who complete a credit-bearing micro-credential program; these awardees also earn a digital badge. A non-credit bearing micro-credential awardee earns a digital badge.


What is a Digital Badge?

A digital badge is a feature that allows you to showcase the unique skills and areas in which you have completed learning experiences. A badge is a digital icon rather than an image. It can be accessed and expanded to display information including: date of program completion, name of awarding institution or body, and criteria met to earn the award with proof of completion.

The owner of a digital badge is you – the recipient of the given micro-credential award. The digital format ensures recipients have the option and ability to embed their badge(s) into a web page, on social media (including LinkedIn), and as a link on a resume or portfolio.


Additional Benefits

Stack credits and stand out

Each micro-credential program requires unique, certifiable evidence be embedded in every awarded badge. Even if multiple individuals qualify to earn the same badge, metadata contained within each distinct badge contains information custom to each recipient. These data include date, issuing institution, and an outline plus proof of met criteria. This serves as evidence – of your work, any endorsements, course materials, and more. This evidence may be uploaded and shared.


Personalize your learning, diversify your capabilities

Micro-credentials grant knowledge and skills in areas that are important to you, your goals, and your career. Given their size (small programs) they make a great addition to many types of schedules. Diversify your skillset and meet the goals that matter to you.


On the cutting edge no matter your status as a learner

By enrolling in a micro-credential program, you are making the decision to best-align with the needs and expectations of today’s professional landscape. This is your chance to master critical thinking, technological, and innovative skills designed to meet the demands of employers and achieve immediate professional success.


Display your badges with pride

Digital badges are more than valuable. They are points of pride. Share skills, knowledge, and achievements on your: