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Accessible Instruction Minor


The Accessible Instruction minor provides students opportunities to gain multidisciplinary knowledge and practical skills for providing instruction in individuals with a range of learning, neurological, and physical motor challenges. Students will learn how to adapt instructional methods and environments for accessibility based on different learners’ needs and goals. This minor is designed for a wide variety of majors and offers flexibility among courses so students can choose an area of focus.

To satisfy the minor, all students must complete 15 credits of required coursework. Bachelor degree students can seek to fulfill the coursework for the minor. A GPA of 2.0 or better is required of the coursework in the minor to be awarded the minor.

A maximum of 9 credits may be shared between major field requirements and a minor. Additional remaining credits may be met with courses selected from the following: General Education, Liberal Arts and Sciences options, and elective credit requirements.

For further policy information regarding Minors, please see Academic Policies 3.21 Minor Courses.

Accessible Instruction Minor Requirements: 15 credits

  • ECHD 280- Exceptional Children (3 credits)
  • ECHD 360- Differentiated Instruction (3 credits)
  • PERS 230- Motor Learning and Behavior OR ANSC 368/368X- Therapeutic Riding Instruction (3 credits)
  • Six credits chosen from: (6 credits)
    • AGED 309- Teaching/Learning in Ag Ed AMSL
    • 145- American Sign Language I
    • ANSC 344- Dogs in Helping Professions
    • ECHD 170- Child Growth & Dev ECHD
    • 175- Infants and Toddlers ECHD
    • 352- Positive Child Guidance
    • PERS 350- Psyc & Soc of Sport & Exercise
    • PSYC 323- Adult Development & Aging
    • PSYC 330- Psychology of Learning
    • PSYC 350- Abnormal Psychology

Prerequisites may include: AGED 307, ANSC 142, ANSC 242, ANSC 268, ECHD 130, ECHD 170, ECHD 190, PERS 201, PSYC 111, PSYC 221, PSYC 231, PSYC 250