President's Statement
June 1, 2020
Recently we have witnessed terrifying incidents and tragedies that have led to humiliation and even death, borne out of a fundamental lack of respect. An injustice imposed upon one individual in our community is an injustice inflicted upon all. Our societal character not only is defined by the occurrence of such acts, but more importantly determines our response to these inflictions. If we as a society continue to allow discrimination to fester and escalate into unspeakable deeds, then our national collective does not hold a place for peace, justice, or the ideals of equality. We must be unrelenting to guarantee that our governing rules and practices permit no injustice or marginalization to occur to anyone. Additionally, we must hold leaders accountable to practice unprejudiced actions and pursue standards that treat all people with respect. If acts against our fellow community members are sanctioned or even allowed, this would be one of the most insidious assaults against our democracy. As an intuition of higher learning, SUNY Cobleskill stands with the ideals of democracy and believes education as our most powerful tool to safeguard the ideals of a free society.
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