Accolades among our faculty and staff are unique and often go beyond publication credits; we want to hear about points of pride for
you including publications but also any special recognitions in your field, chair
positions you may have been appointed to, or initiatives you've led on campus or beyond.
Examples of noteworthy accomplishments from faculty in past years include:
Accepted for The Arctic Circle 2016 artists’ residency, an art and science expedition
to the High Arctic.
Exhibited Procrustes, a two-person exhibition of Victoria Palermo and Adam Daily (February and March,
2016) at Collar Works in Troy, NY.
Served as judge at NYS Pro-Start Competition at Schenectady County Community College.
Completed LAA2 COIL training and co-taught a COIL-enhanced course with a professor
and class at the University of Guadalajara, Mexico.
Achieved the level of John Deere Tech Master Instructor and was recognized at the
John Deere Instructor Development Week in Wichita, KS.
Published Restoration of the Gilt Darter (Percina evides) in the Lotic-Benthic Community of
the Allegheny River, New York with SUNY press.
Use the form below to give us a brief sentence description of your accomplishment(s)
and your contact information.
If you have more than three accomplishments to list, submit the form more than once.