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Student Mailroom

Mailroom Hours:

Monday - Friday
8:00am - 1:00pm and 1:45pm - 4:00pm
Closed for lunch 1:00pm till 1:45pm

If you have any questions beyond the information found here, please stop at the window in the Mailroom and ask for help or call our office at 518-255-5510.

Your on-campus mailing address must be used for anyone to send you mail, whether letters or packages. Failure to use this address will result in delays in receipt of your mail.

Your Name
Bouck Hall Box _______
107 Schenectady Avenue
Cobleskill, NY 12043


Please keep your Mailbox Key in a safe place! You cannot receive your mail without your mailbox key. A fee of $10 is charged to replace a lost mailbox key. 

To Replace A Lost Mailbox Key

  1. Go To Student Accounts in Knapp Hall - Pay the $10.00 Fee
  2. Take Receipt to Student Mailroom in Bouck Hall
  3. Get Replacement Key


Returning Your Mailbox Key

Students should retain their key as long as they are enrolled in classes and using the mailbox (i.e. keep it between semesters, but expect to return it before you graduate or are no longer enrolled).

Students that do not return their mailbox key will be charged $35.00.  ($10.00 for Key and $25.00 for New Lock)

Students that have moved off campus and are still currently enrolled at SUNY Cobleskill may continue to use their mailbox in Bouck Hall. Students that have moved off campus and do not wish to use their Mailbox in Bouck Hall, must return their mailbox key to the Student Mailroom in Bouck Hall.

Notice – If the mailbox key is NOT RETURNED to the Student Mailroom, mail will not be forwarded. Mailboxes will remain open until the mailroom is notified.