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Pride March

Don't Miss the 50th NYC Pride March!

SUNY Cobleskill invites you to join Cobleskill students, faculty and alumni in the NYC Pride March on Sunday, June 30, 2019 https://2019-worldpride-stonewall50.nycpride.org/events/

The first March was held in 1970 and has since become an annual civil rights demonstration. Over the years, its purpose has broadened to include recognition of the fight against AIDS and to remember those we have lost to illness, violence, and neglect.

Participants will be walking the entire route. All participants MUST register with SUNY to march in the parade at this site https://www.eventbrite.com/e/march-with-suny-at-world-pride-tickets-60313958674. You will NOT be allowed to enter the Pride March without the SUNY registration ticket. It is our understanding that registration will be cut off when SUNY reaches a certain number so you will want to register as soon as possible.

We look forward to a great time – COBY style of course! If you have questions please reach out to Abbey Perkins by phone 518-255-5635 or email perkinal@cobleskill.edu or Scott Ferguson by phone 518-255-5462 or by email fergusss@cobleskill.edu.


If you are interested in marching with the SUNY Cobleskill group please register below

