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Student Conduct FAQs

How can I become a Conduct Board Member?

Conduct Board Members are sought out by the Residential Life staff. The Residential Life staff discusses the position with potential candidates about what the board members purpose are. If the student is interested the staff member will nominate their name to the Student Conduct Office. Once their name is passed forward, an interview will take place with the candidate. The candidate would be notified after the interview if they became a board member.

Are my Conduct Board review/ Conduct Board confidential?

The Conduct Review and the Conduct Board hearings are kept confidential from other SUNY Cobleskill students. The only instances of other people being notified are:

Can I have a representative with me at my Conduct Board Hearing?

All students involved in the conduct process have the right to seek counsel from a member of the full-time faculty (or professional staff) if she/he so desires. This faculty member may attend the hearing with the student but may not speak for (in place of) the student. A full-time student at SUNY Cobleskill may also serve as advisor. Individuals external to the campus may not participate or be present at the Conduct Board hearing/process except as authorized by the Director of Student Conduct.

Are there any fees to the modules that are assigned to me?

There is a $35.00 charge for ONLY modules #8 (Alcohol Education 101: Choosing a Direction), #9 (Marijuana) and #15 (Alcohol 102: Choosing Options). If you are assigned multiple of these specific modules as your sanction you only have to pay it once. It will be charged to your student account.

What if I do not complete the sanctioning that was assigned to me?

If you do not follow the sanctioning that was given to you by any college official there can/will be consequences for those actions. You can be charged another student conduct code #12 (Failure to Comply). If the student did not do their sanctioning and then gets charged for another conduct code violation, that will be taken into consideration when sanctioning the new violated conduct code.

What if I fail to attend a conduct hearing?

A student who does not attend his/her scheduled conduct hearing will be subject to having the case adjudicated in his/her absence. The decision reached by the hearing body will be based on the testimony and/or evidence presented at the hearing. Requests for rescheduling hearings will only be considered for good reason.

What happens if a case is close to the end of a semester?

Cases pending at the end of the Fall semester will be processed as early in the Spring semester as is practicable. Cases pending at the end of the Spring semester will be processed in June.

If I am a senior or a sophomore about to graduate with my degree does this not allow me to graduate?

A student who is charged with a violation and who is a graduating senior will be ineligible to graduate until conduct action on the case has been completed and eligibility to graduate is confirmed. If the conduct action results in suspension, the student will be subject to being ineligible to graduate until the term of suspension has been served. Campus conduct action for an alleged violation of the Student Conduct Code will not be delayed due to the pending nature of any related criminal charge(s).