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Off Campus FAQs


Do I need to apply to move off campus?

If you are a first or second year student, you'll need to submit a request to move off campus form. This can be picked up at the Residential Life Office in Bouck 126 or printed off and submitted to the Residential Life Office.


What requirements need to be fulfilled in order to move off campus?

If you have completed the 2 full years of your housing obligation, you may move off campus without submitting a request. If you are still within your 2 year housing obligation, there are several requirements that must be fulfilled if you are reuesting to be released from your housing obligation. Please check out our Living Off Campus Overview page to see what these requirements are.


What places are available to rent off campus?

Please see our off-campus housing page for all the local housing options close to campus.


Can I still have a meal plan as a commuter?

Yes, please review your dining plan options as there are several to choose from for commuter students.


Who do I contact if I have a question about commuting?

If you live in the Residence Halls, feel free to start with your Residence Director. You can also visit or e-mail Mike Wacksman in the Tigers Den in Bouck Hall.


Do I still have to follow the policies outlined in the student handbook while living off campus?

All state laws and relevant student conduct codes regarding student behavior off campus still apply while off campus grounds.


Can I still be involved in clubs, sports, campus events, etc. as a commuter?

Absolutely! Please visit our Commuter Student Services page to see all the ways you can get involed on campus as a commuter.


Where do I park as a commuter?

Commuters have a designated parking lot that you must have a parking decal for. The "C-Lot" is directly adjacent to the "W-Lot" and is connected to the SUNY Cobleskill Child Care Center right off of Route 7. Please check out the Vehicle Regulations and Parking page for more information.


Where can I hang out in between classes?

Student lounges are located in Bouck Hall and Warner Hall Express Cafe. These are places to go if you want to relax between classes. Food is available in Warner and Twisted Whiskers is right down the hall from the Tiger’s Den in Bouck Hall. The Tiger’s Den has a refrigerator, microwave and network access.