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Faculty Handbook: Section 4

Constitution and By-Laws of
the Faculty of SUNY Cobleskill


The Constitution and By-Laws have been developed to establish the basis and provide the means by which the Faculty of the State University of New York College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill can govern itself as a body within the College, involve itself in the governance of the College, and carry out its responsibility to participate in the development of the educational program of the College and to conduct this program.

The Constitution and By-Laws are in accordance with the requirements and policies of the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York.

Article I - Name

The Name of this organization shall be THE FACULTY of the State University College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill.

Article II - Purpose

Section 1

To study problems and to help formulate policies of the College pertaining to the development and conduct of the educational program.

Section 2

To provide the faculty with an opportunity for expression of personal or professional interests and to take any action deemed necessary.

Article III - Voting Faculty

The voting faculty of the College shall be composed of:

  1. The Chancellor of the University and the chief administrative officer of the College; and
  2. All members of the professional staff of the College, including part-time lecturers with 2 year appointments, except: Management Confidential, Assistant Instructors, part-time instructors, interns without SL rank, technical assistants and persons having temporary appointments.  On this basis faculty are categorized as follows:
    1. Academic employees (full-time faculty, librarians, part-time lecturers with 2 year appointments).
    2. Professional employees (professional personnel, instructional support staff, interns with SL rank).

Article VI - Officers

The Officers of this organization shall be the College President, Presiding Officer, and Secretary.

Article V - Faculty Representatives

These representatives will represent the faculty in their respective organizations, a University Faculty Senator, University Faculty Senator Alternate, two Cobleskill Auxiliary Services representatives, a College Foundation representative.

Article VI - Amendments

This Constitution may be amended, repealed, or altered in whole or in part by a two-thirds vote of the membership, and with the approval of the President of the College.  An amendment may not be acted upon at the same meeting at which it is proposed. All proposed amendments must be presented in writing.


By Laws

Article I - Parliamentary Procedure

Parliamentary Proceedings shall be according Roberts' Rules of Order, Newly Revised (1990).

Article II - Meetings

Section 1

Faculty meetings shall be held at least three (3) times during the academic year and scheduled in the following manner: 

The regularly scheduled faculty meetings shall be convened on the officially announced date of return of the faculty for the commencement of each semester and at the end of the spring semester.  Additional faculty meetings may be called at the discretion of the Presiding Officer after consultation with the Faculty Governance Executive Committee.

Section 2

Special meetings may be called by petition of at least 10 percent of the Faculty or by the Chairperson of the Faculty.

Article III - Elections, Duties and Responsibilities of Officers

Section 1

Chairperson - The Chief Administrative Officer of the College shall be the Chairperson of the Faculty of the College.

Section 2 - Presiding Officer

The Presiding Officer shall be elected in October for a term of two years and will take office on January 15.  Following the election, the Presiding Officer-Elect will begin his or her transition to this leadership position by attending Executive Committee meetings and all other important administrative functions.  Whenever the Presiding Officer is on leave for any reason or any length of time, the Faculty Senator will assume the role of Presiding Officer and the Alternate Faculty Senator will assume the role as Faculty Senator.

The Presiding Officer, Faculty Senator and Faculty Secretary will attend Governance Leadership meetings with the President, Provost and VP.

The roles of the Presiding Officer are to:

  1. Preside at all meetings of the Faculty;
  2. Serve as Chair of the Faculty Governance Executive Committee;
  3. Make appointments to appointed faculty committees, with the consultation of the Faculty Governance Executive Committee;
  4. Prepare and communicate the agenda for faculty meetings;
  5. Represent the faculty at College Council meetings;
  6. Represent SUNY Cobleskill at meetings of SUNY Local Governance Leaders.

Section 3 - Secretary

The Secretary shall be elected in October (approved 8/08) for a term of two years, to coincide with the term of the Presiding Officer. The Secretary shall serve as Faculty Secretary, determine quorums and majorities and distribute meeting minutes. The Secretary shall post draft Faculty Meeting minutes on SharePoint within one month of that meeting and shall post official Faculty Meeting minutes on Faculty SharePoint within one week of approval by The Faculty. The Secretary shall send electronic and hard copies of the official Faculty Meeting minutes to the library for archival storage. The Secretary shall also coordinate all committee nominations and elections. The Secretary shall assume office duties as of January 15 and shall appoint a Secretary pro-tem at any time there will be an absence from duty. However, when the Secretary is on leave for more than one semester, an election will be held to fill the vacancy.

Article IV - Elections, Duties and Responsibilities of Elected Representatives

Section 1 - Faculty Senator

1.1 To determine the opinion of the Faculty on issues coming before the Senate;

1.2 To see that matters of concern to the Faculty are brought to the Senate for consideration;

1.3 To represent the Faculty at meetings of the Senate;

1.4 To report fully and regularly to the Faculty on the activities of the Senate;

1.5 To serve as an ex-officio member on the Faculty Governance Executive Committee.

In carrying out the above duties and responsibilities, the Senator should consult with and report to appropriate committees of the Faculty on activities of the Senate that fall within their areas of concern. The Faculty Senator shall be elected in January for a three-year term of office commencing July 1.

Section 2 - Faculty Senator Alternate

To serve in the absence of the Faulty Senator as prescribed in the Constitution of the University Faculty Senate. The Faculty Senator Alternate shall be elected in January for a three-year term of office commencing July 1.

Section 3 - Cobleskill Auxiliary Services | Academic Directors of the Board

Four (4) full-time academic employees which may be teaching or non-teaching (including librarians) faculty members of the College, to be nominated by the Faculty Nominating Committee and elected by the Faculty as may be prescribed by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Faculty of the State University College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill, New York. The Academic members shall be elected to serve two-year terms to begin at the next Annual Meeting of the Corporation and initially directors shall be established so that one-half shall serve for the balance of the fiscal year in which they are elected and one (1) additional year, another one-half of the directors shall serve for the balance of the fiscal year in which they are elected and two (2) additional years.

Article V - Committees

Section 1 - Participation

1.1 Service on College Committees is a Faculty responsibility.

1.2 Membership on standing committees should be distributed as widely as possible among the total Faculty.

1.3 As a general principle, a Faculty member should not serve on more than one standing committee concurrently.

1.4 On those committees whose purview is campus-wide, membership will include other members of the campus community as appropriate. Nominations from CSEA/Council 82/PEF/Research Foundation will be submitted to the Executive Committee who will select the membership.

Section 2 - Responsibilities

2.1 Standing committees of the College are the means by which the Faculty make recommendations to the Chief Administrative Officer or his designee by initiation and development of policies in the different areas of College governance.

2.2 Standing committees, as representative groups of the Faculty, have the responsibility of promoting the best interests of their colleagues, of the students, and of the College as an educational institution.

2.3 Committee members should not be obligated to represent the views of any one faction, faculty, or administrative officer but should act as free agents who consider the expressed views of the total Faculty.

2.4 It is a committee's obligation to consult with the administrative officer whom it advises and to whom it makes recommendations.

2.5 Prior to May 31 of each year, the outgoing Chairperson shall call a meeting of all members of each committee and conduct an election of a Chairperson for the succeeding year.

Section 3 - Membership

3.1 Membership on standing committees shall be open to all members of the faculty pursuant to the composition of each committee.

3.2 On those committees whose purview is campus-wide, membership will include other members of the campus community as appropriate.

Section 4 - Selection

4.1 Election of members to elected standing committees shall be on the basis of departmental representation for academic committees and at-large for all other committees. Members will be elected either by the Faculty or by each department as specified for each committee under Section 7.

4.2 The Presiding Officer shall notify faculty of pending at large and area-specific committee vacancies by January 31. Election of department or school representative(s) to elected committees shall be held prior to March 1 by secret ballot in the manner of the collective bargaining unit elections. Election results shall be reported to The Faculty by March 1. Election of at-large members to standing committees and appointment to appointed committees shall be completed by May 1. Student members on committees shall be appointed by March 1 for terms to begin in fall semester. (approved 9/4/12)

4.3 In the Spring semester, the following committee membership shall be nominated and elected: Academic Personnel Policies, Academic Policies, Curriculum, Governance Executive, Facilities & Space, Fiscal Affairs and Strategic Planning (FASP), Professional Development & Training, and Technology. The following committees will be appointed: Cultural Diversity and Student-Faculty Judiciary. Service on these committees will not commence until the subsequent Fall semester.

4.4 Appointments to appointed standing committees shall be made by the College President in consultation with the Presiding Officer of the Faculty.

4.5 Selection for committee membership should be made with consideration of the following:  a Faculty member’s expressed interest for service on a particular committee; a Faculty member's past experience and educational background, if either or both of these make him or her especially qualified to serve on a particular committee; a Faculty member's other College or College-related assignments, duties and obligations; a Faculty member's seniority

4.6 When a department does not have sufficient eligible faculty to meet its membership obligations on committees requiring school representation, the necessary members shall be selected from the Faculty at-large.

4.7 Each Faculty member appointed to a committee should be notified of their appointment by the Faculty Governance Secretary.

4.8 A Faculty member should have the privilege of accepting or declining an appointment to a particular committee.

4.9 Vacancies on Elected Committees:

  1. Vacancies on elected committees for one full semester or less shall be filled through appointment by the Governance Executive Committee. Such position shall be filled with due consideration to the appropriate composition of the committee.
  2. Vacancies on elected committees for more than one full semester shall be filled by the prescribed nomination and election procedures as if for a full term.
  3. Vacancies on committees shall be defined as an open position created for any reason other than the expiration of a normal term of membership.

Section 5 - Reports

5.1 Standing committees have an obligation to keep the Faculty informed of what they have been and are concerned with, and each committee should make at least one detailed and comprehensive report of its activities to the Faculty during each academic year.

5.2 Copies of the approved minutes of all standing committees, appointed committees, task forces, and ad hoc committees shall be posted on Faculty SharePoint within two weeks of committee approval and electronic and hard copies shall be sent to the library by respective committee secretary for archival storage. (approved 4/12)

5.3 When, on any committee, there is a minority in disagreement with a decision or recommendation of a majority of the committee, this minority may present a separate report setting forth its position and indicating the points on which it is not in agreement with the report of the majority.

5.4 The minutes and reports of all standing committees shall be made available to all faculty members through the Library.

Section 6 - Committee Chairperson

On all committees, an acting chair shall be appointed by the Presiding Officer of the Faculty.

Section 7 - Operational Guidelines

7.1 If a majority of the committee petitions the chairperson, a meeting must be called.

7.2 Committee members will determine what items are established for the agenda and the priority of each item.

7.3 The committee will publish its own minutes by posting on Faculty SharePoint within two weeks of committee approval and will submit electronic and hard copies to the library for archival storage. (revised 4/12)

7.4 The administrative person whom the committee advises shall not be entitled to a vote on committee decisions.

7.5 Any faculty member may discuss an item of concern with a committee member and request committee consideration of the matter. This action shall not be construed as undue pressure on the committee.

7.6 The Chairperson of a committee, in consultation with the members of that committee, shall have the authority to request the appropriate office to replace any member who is not actively participating. (The Presiding Officer for appointed committees, the Governance Executive Committee for elected committees and Student Government for student members of elected committees.)

7.7 Committees may conduct meetings and distribute materials to be considered by electronic means.

7.8 Members of a committee may similarly participate in meetings they are unable to attend in person.

7.9 Committees may conduct discussions, and with the consent of a quorum of their members, vote electronically. (7.7, 7.8, 7.9 added July 2014)

Section 8 - Elected Standing Committees

8.1 Academic Personnel Policies Committee


  1. To make recommendations, where appropriate under the negotiating contract, to the Faculty and the President on behalf of the Faculty on issues and policies pertaining to conduct such as:
    • Professional rights, duties, obligations and responsibilities
    • Evaluation for reappointment of academic faculty
    • Professional conduct and ethics
    • Academic freedom
    • Appointment, promotion and termination of appointment
    • Sabbatical leaves of absence
    • Evaluation of reappointment, continuing appointment and promotional procedures for academic staff
    • Evaluation of substitute professional credit and waivers
    Note: Any disagreement must be negotiated between Management at the State level (Management as defined in the contract), and the legally authorized negotiating agent.
  2. To review and evaluate faculty applications for promotion and teaching portfolio and recommendations of Deans/Department Chairs and departmental peer review on these evaluations for promotion, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs’ certification of eligibility of the candidate.
  3. To consult with prior evaluators concerning the rationale for making recommendation choices.
  4. To afford a faculty member denied recommendation at any prior level of the process a hearing prior to final committee action, as well as an opportunity to meet with the committee after it has reached its decisions.
  5. To forward to the President, in writing, the committee’s decisions to concur or not to concur with the prior recommendations within the process based on the criteria for promotion in Section VII of the Faculty Handbook, the written materials presented to the committee by both applicant and the evaluators, and the committee’s consultative deliberations. A copy of the committee’s decisions is to be sent to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  6. To meet with the President and Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs when appropriate, and the prior evaluators to review the committee’s decisions
  7. To provide candidates and evaluators with information concerning the progress of the process and with a thorough explanation of the decisions that it makes. This explanation will include specific recommendations for improvement when warranted.

Composition- School representation based on a ratio of 1 representative for every 15 full time faculty and one librarian (representatives must be tenured).   Terms for elected members shall be staggered evenly to provide continuity; there is a term limit of two consecutive three-year terms of service by elected members on this committee.

8.2 Academic Policies Committee


  1. Review and make recommendations for attendance policies regardless of delivery system.
  2. Review and make recommendations for enrollment, withdrawal, and waivers, not associated with administrative function (See Part III-Academic Policies, Sec. D)
  3. Review and make recommendations for student responsibilities, including academic integrity and appeals processes. (See Part III-Academic Policies, Sec. E)  Review and make recommendations for grades, including appeals processes and grade transactions, change of grade.  (See Part III-Academic Policies, Sec. H, I)
  4. Review and make recommendations for academic standing which includes terms, conditions, and appeals for probation and suspension (See Part III-Academic Policies, Sec. J)
  5. Review and make recommendations for graduation requirements not associated with participation in the graduation ceremony. (See Part III-Academic Policies, Sec. K)
  6. Make recommendations concerning Academic Policies to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs .

Composition- Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs (ex-officio, non-voting), eight teaching faculty, preferably one from each academic department, a librarian, a representative from EOP, the Registrar‘s Office and a student.  Terms for elected members shall be staggered evenly to provide continuity; there is a term limit of two consecutive three-year terms of service by elected members on this committee.

8.4 Curriculum Committee


  1. To review the educational objectives of the College and the philosophy underlying its academic programs.
  2. To be concerned with the overall development of existing and future curricula in respect to their fulfilling the objectives of the College and meeting the needs of both its students and society.
  3. To consider all proposals that would result in the substantive revision of a curriculum, specifically with respect to programs, courses or certificates.
  4. To make recommendations concerning the above to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Composition- Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs (ex-officio, non-voting), Registrar (ex-officio, non-voting), one teaching faculty from each academic department and one librarian.  Terms for elected members shall be staggered evenly to provide continuity; there is a term limit of two consecutive three-year terms of service by elected members on this committee.

8.5 Governance Executive Committee


  1. To act as a liaison between the President and the Faculty. The College President and Vice Presidents shall be invited to attend two meetings (one per semester) of the Executive Committee.  The Presiding Officer, Secretary of the Faculty & Faculty Senator shall meet with the College President and Provost on a bi-weekly basis during the academic year, and shall report on all non-confidential matters to the Executive Committee.
  2. To be concerned with matters affecting the Faculty in the conduct of their professional duties and responsibilities in accordance with the Agreement.
  3. To receive recommendations from individual members of the Faculty for amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws and to originate and propose to the Faculty such amendments as the Committee deems necessary or desirable.
  4. To receive items from members of the Faculty which they wish to have brought before the Faculty and to forward such items to the Presiding Officer for listing on the agenda of the Faculty meetings.

  5. To act as a committee on committees to define areas of committee responsibility in order to eliminate duplication of effort, to advise the President on the need for the establishment of any new committee structure, and to otherwise provide for effective participation of the faculty through committees in developing policies of the College.
  6. To oversee committee elections and appointments:
    1. To nominate Faculty members to fill all non-appointive offices and/or positions on non-appointive committees.
    2. To present at least two candidates for each office or position to be filled.
    3. To solicit from members of the Faculty expressions of their interest in serving on particular appointed and elected committees and to consider those interested when making nominations for elected committees. To forward to the Presiding Officer the names of those interested in appointed committees.
    4. To prepare ballots for all Faculty elections.  
  7. To act on behalf of the faculty when it is not possible to call a faculty meeting (summer, semester break).  At such times the Executive Committee will be expanded to include the Department Chairs (provided they are not management confidential).

Composition- The Committee is comprised of the Chairs of the Standing Committees and Chairs of the Appointed Standing Committees.  The Presiding Officer, the Secretary, and the Faculty Senator will serve as ex-officio members.  The Presiding Officer will serve as Chair of the committee. Terms for elected members shall be staggered evenly to provide continuity; there is a term limit of two consecutive three-year terms of service by elected members on this committee.

8.6 Facilities and Space Committee


  1. To offer advice and recommendations intended to increase the quality and effective use of all campus facilities and space by integrating the strategies from the Strategic Plan into the Campus Facilities Master Plan.
  2. To assist the administration, in particular the Director of Facilities and Management and the Vice President of Operations, in the planning process for construction proposals. The proposals will be ranked according to priorities stated in the Strategic Plan and the Campus Facilities Master Plan
  3. When there are planned changes to the overall appearance, functionality, or dedication of state owned buildings or land which is not incorporated as part of the Campus Facilities Master Plan, the proposed changes will be presented to the committee for its advice and/or recommendations during the development of the proposal as submitted using the Project Request Form under Facilities Management for new projects.
  4. To determine that all campus projects conform to the design and aesthetic standards in the Campus Facilities Master Plan.
  5. To promote sustainability and energy efficiency in the planning process of projects to better our environment. FSC members should be liaisons to other committee groups dealing with sustainability and energy efficient alternatives

Composition- VP for Operations (ex-officio, non-voting); fourteen  additional members:  Director of Facilities Management, Six from the teaching faculty with equal representation from each school; two from professional staff, two from CSEA/PBA, one from CAS, one from Educational Support Service; and one SUNY Cobleskill student. Terms for elected members shall be staggered evenly to provide continuity; there is a term limit of two consecutive three-year terms of service by elected members on this committee.

8.7 Fiscal Affairs and Strategic Planning Committee.


  1. To act as a liaison between the President and the Faculty on financial, strategic and budgetary matters.
  2. To participate in the development of procedures and to make recommendations concerning strategic planning and budgetary policies and procedures on the Cobleskill campus.
  3. To monitor the campus fiscal affairs and strategic plan to ensure that priorities and funding reflect the input and needs of faculty as well as administration. The College President and Cabinet shall be invited to FASP each semester to report on the progress of the Strategic Plan.
  4. To make recommendations regarding decisions necessary because of budget modifications.
  5. To keep the Faculty informed of strategic and financial matters through periodic reports.
  6. To conduct studies, investigations, and reviews to facilitate above.

Composition- Vice President for Administration and Finance, Controller or designee (ex-officio, non-voting), teaching faculty preferably one from each department, three professional staff, one CSEA/PBA staff, one Advancement Office representative, a librarian and a student. Terms for elected members shall be staggered evenly to provide continuity; there is a term limit of two consecutive three-year terms of service by elected members on this committee.

8.8 Professional Development and Training Committee


  1. To review applications and make awards to eligible faculty and staff who apply for financial support from the Professional Development fund.
  2. To periodically review the Guidelines for Awarding of Professional Development funds and revise as appropriate. Also, to advise the campus community of these updates and to provide information about other sources of funding.
  3. To work with campus committees and other interested groups to help with the funding of group professional development and training activities.

Composition- Teaching faculty, two from each school, two professional staff, one management confidential employee, two CSEA/PBA members, one information technology representative and a student.  Terms for elected members shall be staggered evenly to provide continuity; there is a term limit of two consecutive three-year terms of service by elected members on this committee.

8.11 Technology Committee


  1. To provide long and short-range planning advice for implementation and policy related to technology issues that support the academic functions on campus.
  2. Monitor and make specific recommendations for that portion of the funding from the Student Technology Fee.
  3. Prepare and present the annual budget at the last faculty meeting of the academic year.
  4. Submit the annual Technology Committee Report and other reports as requested to the Executive Committee.

Composition- Teaching faculty, three elected from each school, preferably from different departments, a representative appointed from each of the following areas: ITS Support Staff, Director of ITS (ex officio, non-voting), Assistant Director of Technology Services, Instructional Technologies Coordinator, representative from the Business Office, Educational Support Services, Student Affairs, Library, and  a student. Terms for elected members shall be staggered evenly to provide continuity; there is a term limit of two consecutive three-year terms of service by elected members on this committee. 

Section 9 - Appointed Standing Committees

9.1 Cultural Diversity

Purpose- To promote the respect and understanding of all cultures, lifestyles, origins, abilities, orientations and beliefs in an effort to foster growth, development, and equity among all members of the community.  The Committee shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Quality of Student Life Committee and Faculty Governance and the President of the college.

Composition- Members will be appointed for a 3-year term from those who express interest. Every effort will be made to have a committee which reflects the diversity of the campus.

9.2 Student - Faculty Judiciary


  1. To act as a Student - Faculty Conduct Board to consider:
    • Cases referred to it by other campus Judicial Boards;
    • Cases referred to it by a member of the campus community

Composition- Three Boards are constituted.  Each Board has five members:

Operational guidelines are stated in the Student Handbook.

Section 10 - Special Appointed Action Groups or Ad Hoc Committees

The College President, in consultation with the Presiding Officer and Executive Committee, may appoint members to serve on Action Groups or Ad Hoc Committees to work on problems of a seasonal nature, those of a temporary nature, and such others as are deemed necessary in the operation of a unified College.

Article VI - Voting

Section 1

All decisions shall be made by a majority vote, that is, a majority of votes cast, excluding blanks, of the voting faculty qualified to vote as stated in Article III of the Constitution.

Section 2

Voting for officers and committee members shall be by secret ballot.

Section 3

In elections, if no candidate receives a majority vote on the first ballot, those candidates (ranked highest to lowest) whose votes total up a majority of the votes cast, will be retained on subsequent ballots until the election is decided.

Section 4

In elections, if a majority vote is obtained by more candidates than the number of positions to be filled, the candidate with the least votes will be eliminated, and a subsequent election will be conducted.

Article VII - Quorum

Those present at a meeting of the Faculty shall constitute a quorum.

Article VIII - Minutes

The complete minutes of each meeting of the Faculty shall be published and distributed to all members within two weeks of the meeting. These minutes shall be kept on file.

Article IX - Amendments

The By-Laws may be amended, repealed, or altered in whole or in part by a simple majority of the votes cast by the membership, and with the approval of the President of the College.  An amendment may not be acted upon at the same meeting at which it is proposed. All proposed amendments must be in writing.

Article X - Agenda

Section 1

The order of the agenda for regular faculty meetings shall be as follows:

Section 2

Agenda items may be submitted by individual faculty members directly to the presiding officer and/or to the Faculty Committee for forwarding to the presiding officer.*

Section 3

Under normal conditions, the presiding officer shall issue an announcement calling for agenda items for a faculty meeting not later than ten (10) days prior to the meeting and publish the agenda not later than three (3) work days prior to the faculty meeting. Wherever possible, all items requiring faculty action shall appear in written form.**


In accordance with the revision of Article X of the Policies of the Board of Trustees during the May, 1972 meeting, "By-Laws shall be consistent with and subject to the Policies of the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York, the laws of the State Of New York, and the provisions of agreements between the State of New York and the certified employee organization established pursuant to article 14 of the civil service law.  Provisions of by-laws concerning consultation with the faculty shall be subject to approval of the chief administrative officer of the College. All actions under by-laws shall be advisory upon the chancellor and the chief administrative officer of the College."

* As stated in the current Cobleskill By-Laws

** As stated in Article III of the By - Laws Election, Duties and Responsibilities of Officers: Section 2: Presiding Officer

Role of the Department Chair

The primary role of the department chair is to be an advocate of the department, and a liaison from the department to the dean, providing leadership to faculty, student and Department matters.

Each Chair carries a teaching load of no more than 9 contact hours/semester.  More than that will result in extra service pay.  Chairs will maintain a ten month contract, unless departmental needs require summer work, in which case a stipend will be paid.

Duties That Department Chairs Assume


  1. Working with the dean, convene the department peer review committee in a timely fashion to address all promotion, reappointment, and tenure evaluations.  Provide the dean with information for the faculty member’s evaluation.
  2. Involve faculty members in the decision making process of the department.
  3. Coordinate the search and recruitment of prospective faculty.
  4. Facilitate the flow of information to the Department members to inform them of department, college, and university plans and activities.
  5. Help the dean, coordinate development of teaching schedules.
  6. Communicate faculty expectations to the campus administration.
  7. See that classroom evaluations are conducted for all faculty up for reappointment, promotion or continuing appointment and for all new adjunct faculty.


  1. Address the concerns and conflicts for faculty and student personnel matters.
  2. Coordinate department representation at academic review.

Prospective Students

  1. Coordinate department participation in student orientation programs, open house and accepted student days.


  1. Plan for future departmental goals, curricula, personnel, equipment and fiscal needs.
  2. Keep the administration fully informed of all relevant departmental matters and events.
  3. Plan and conduct meetings.
  4. Facilitate the evaluation and revision of curriculum, academic programs and courses
  5. Facilitate the development and discontinuation of programs and courses.
  6. Review faculty/faculty and or faculty/student complaints.
  7. Supervise and evaluate the performance of technical staff where appropriate.
  8. Working with the dean, make recommendations regarding class - size policies and learning environment.
  9. Assist the dean in the development and preparation of departmental public relations program with departmental course or program brochures, flyers, exhibits, etc.
  10. Assist the dean with the development of course and program articulation guidelines with other institutions.
  11. Inform administration of maintenance and repair needs of departmental lab and classroom equipment.
  12. Supply departmental information for accreditation procedures.
  13. Lead assessment processes to improve departmental offerings as appropriate.
  14. Working with the dean, establish and meet with Department Advisory Committees as appropriate.
  15. Working with faculty, develop department strategic plan.


  1. Working with dean, develop, allocate, and maintain the department budget.
  2. Approve departmental purchase requests.
  3. Identify the facilities and equipment needed to achieve departmental objectives in terms of approved programs.
  4. Evaluate and revise, if necessary, equipment and fiscal needs.

Department Chair By-Laws

  1. Name
    The name of the department shall be the Department of (Name).
  2. Members
    1. Members of the department shall be college faculty teaching undergraduate courses and/or engaged in projects related to (name).
    2. Voting faculty of the department shall be those persons holding the rank of lecturer, instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, or professor engaged in full time teaching or equivalency, such as special projects. Members of the department will vote on extending voting privileges to temporary appointees
  3. Department
    1. Term - Department Chair will serve a term of three years, renewable according to the will of the Department members, the Vice President of Academic Affairs and the President.  In accordance with the Board of Trustees Policies, the President may relieve a chair of his/her duties at any time, with notification to the Chancellor
    2. Selection
      1. By November 15th of the appropriate year, the Academic Vice President will announce the expiration of the term and elections for a new term of Department Chair. This will allow ample time for nomination and approval procedures to occur.
      2. The Department Chair nominee will be selected by a majority vote of their departmental colleagues. Department Chairs can vote for the Department Chair position.
      3. A facilitator will be selected from among the department members to conduct the nomination process.
      4. Candidates for Chair must be nominated by a member of the department, or they may nominate themselves.
      5. Candidates will make a statement in support of their candidacy.
      6. Voting will be by secret ballot. The candidate receiving the largest number of votes shall be declared the nominee for recommendation to the Academic Vice President by December 15th.
      7. The name of the nominee, as well as a written statement prepared by the facilitator, will be forwarded to the Academic Vice President. The Vice President will forward the department’s recommendation and his/her recommendation to the President.
      8. The President will confirm/select the nominee or make a new recommendation.
      9. If the President approves the Department’s recommendation, a letter of appointment will be sent to the nominee. If a different individual is selected, the President will present rationale to the Department for his/her decision of the selection in order to facilitate a close working relationship with members of the Department.
      10. Completion of the selection process must be done by February 1st to provide an opportunity to begin the fall scheduling process.
      11. Formal appointment begins July 1st.
    3. Replacement and Recall
      1. When a Chair becomes vacant, the members shall select a nominee for replacement as per above.
      2. A recall motion may be brought to the Department upon petition of two-thirds of the voting members (in departments with a membership of fewer than five, the quorum will be one-half).  Notification of pending action shall be submitted to members two weeks prior to a specially scheduled hearing. A facilitator from the Department will officiate at this hearing.  At the hearing, the Chair may speak in his/her own defense if he/she so desires. Within two weeks of the hearing, a secret ballot will be submitted to all voting members. A two-thirds vote (one-half quorum for small departments as above) shall be necessary for the action to be reported to the Academic Vice President, who will then transmit the report to the President of the College for appropriate action in accordance with policies of the Board of Trustees.
  4. Meetings
    1. Meetings shall be scheduled on a regular schedule in accordance with the campus calendar.
    2. Special meetings may be called by the Chair or faculty petition of 25 percent of the voting faculty.
    3. A quorum is two-thirds (one-half for small departments as above) of the voting faculty of the department.
  5. Evaluation
    Evaluation of Department Chair shall be concluded by March 1st of the third year of appointment.  Additional evaluations may be initiated by the Academic Vice President or two-thirds (or one-half as above) of the voting faculty of the department. The Academic Vice President facilitates the evaluation by seeking input from individual faculty members. Faculty evaluative comments shall remain confidential; however, a summary of the respective comments will be shared by the Academic Vice President with the Chair.


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