First-time fall semester students are required to attend the EOP Summer Program which
is provided through special State funding. The EOP Summer Program is a four-week,
mandatory summer orientation experience on our college campus specifically developed
for our incoming EOP first-year students.
Students experience a comprehensive, rigorous, academic centered program in preparation for their return in the fall. In addition, they also participate in group college survival skills, personal and academic counseling sessions, and structured recreation and enrichment field trips.
The EOP Summer program is mandatory for all first-year (freshmen) EOP students. There is no cost to you for this summer program other than travel expenses to and from campus.
Please notify the EOP Office immediately of a potential conflict at or 518-255-5836. We will review your conflict and follow up with you.
Saturday July 26 - Wednesday August 20, 2025
a. That information will be emailed to you soon
A residence hall on campus. Students will be placed in their official rooms during the welcome weekend in August.
These webpages will provide you with an overview of the local area: