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Course Evaluations

Student feedback is a great source of information for faculty to use in the continuous improvement of courses and teaching. Every faculty member is urged to seek feedback from their students in every course taught. Because we have not yet standardized a course evaluation tool, faculty have several choices. Click here for a sample form that is appropriate for in-class use.  Also available are guidelines for administration and use of student course evaluations.

Note that faculty need to provide course objectives on the second page of this form. Another form is available on Angel for those of you who utilize that system for course support. Or you may have your own form.

Regardless of which form you use, please note the following guidelines:


At this time, results of course evaluations are for the use of individual faculty. As such, faculty are responsible for collecting and analyzing the data for their courses; there is no college-supported analysis of the results.

Note that only faculty members who are seeking reappointment, tenure, or promotion are required to administer course evaluations. Faculty seeking merit pay, should it be available, must complete course evaluations in all their courses