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Honors Graduation Requirements

Each semester, students meet with the Honors Director to discuss progress within the program, research and study opportunities, and general wellbeing in college.



HONR 201- Honors Seminar

Our seminar is a one-credit course taught by various faculty on a variety of interdisciplinary topics which change each semester.

A sampling of the past seminars offered:

Honors Designated Courses (HDC)

Students are able to piggyback credits from a course that they are currently enrolled in by working with the faculty member to create a small project (15-20 hours’ worth of time) to complete beyond the regular coursework. Upon successful completion, the credits earned are logged as honors credits, and the course will be marked as an honors course in the academic transcript.

HONR 295 or HONR 495- Capstone

This 3 credit course is the culminating project for students. They ideally should complete their capstone projects in the last year of college. The capstone incorporates a combination of reading, research, practicum, and writing. A summary activity, such as a presentation, paper, performance, or demonstration is required.

Students who have a capstone within their degree program may combine capstones in order to allow for deeper research.

Students in Good Standing:

To remain in the Honors program, students must maintain at least a 3.25 GPA and be making good progress in completing honors credits. Good progress is at least 3 credits per year. Communication with the Honors Director each semester is also suggested to keep up to date with credit progress and available opportunities.

Grace Period:

Students whose cumulative GPA dips below a 3.25 will be granted a probationary semester. While in the Grace Period, students may take seminars, complete honors credits, and participate in all honors activities and events. We will work with students towards good standing. If the GPA does come back to the 3.25 or higher by the following semester, the student will be dismissed from the Honors program. The student may choose to reapply to the Honors program again once the GPA is back to the 3.25 or higher.