How to Appeal a Citation
You have 10 calendar days from the date of the citation to submit an appeal.
To appeal a citation please use this link:
- Click on Manage Citations
- Input Citation Number and License Plate Number
- You must read the Terms and Conditions and check the box to agree before moving forward
At the bottom of page: If you are within the 10 days a box will be available to you
to input your appeal.

If this area is greyed out or does not appear it is because you are no longer within
the 10 calendar days and appealing is no longer an option.
The following reasons are not sufficient grounds for appealing a parking citation:
- Failure to purchase, renew, or properly display a valid parking permit.
- A non-university police staff member told you to park there
- Class was not in session/weekend
- Assertion that a sign or line markings were not noticed
- Failure to obtain a temporary parking pass for any reason
- Guest/Visitor stating that they were not aware of the parking regulations
- Amount of time the vehicle was parked illegally
- Being late or in a hurry
- Picking up or dropping someone or something off
- Inclement weather
- Others parked in the same way didn’t receive tickets