The transition from high school to College is a very difficult process. You have an
important role in teaching your son/daughter to become independent decision makers.
Listed below are a few suggestions to facilitate this transition.
- Become familiar with the changes in federal legislation regarding your child's education.
For example IDEA regulations end once your child graduates from high school. Your child must become
his/her own advocate (not the parent) at the college level. FERPA regulations also shift privacy control from you to your child once he/she enters
college. Please read Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education.
- Make sure it's your child's choice to attend college.
The most successful college students with disabilities are those who have clearly
defined goals, are highly motivated and committed to obtaining those goals.
- Obtain all records before high school graduation.
Some school records may become inaccessible upon graduation of the student.
- Make sure your son/daughter has a good understanding of his/her particular disability.
They should know and be able to articulate strengths and weaknesses, as well as what
compensating techniques that work best for them.
- Make sure your son/daughter's knowledge of study skills is adequate.
College students must be able to manage time, take lecture notes, and read and write
effectively. They must have effective strategies in place to compensate for their
- Encourage your son/daughter to self-advocate.
It is the student's responsibility (not the parent's) to seek help from theOffice of AccessABILITY Resources, instructors, the Center for Academic Support and
Excellence/or counselors, when needed. Help your child improve their communication skills by role-playing.
- Help your child learn independent living skills.
They should be able to perform everyday tasks such as managing their own money, doing
their own laundry, making their own appointments and monitoring their own medications.
- Make contact with local support agencies before arriving at college.
If personal aides are required, be sure you have made all the proper arrangements.
Those needing mental health care should make a local contact prior to arriving at
College. Some agencies offer financial assistance for a variety of services for eligible
students with disabilities.
Resources for Parents
(Adult Career and Continuing Education Services - Vocational Rehabilitation, formally
Commission for the Blind and Visually Handicapped