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Testing Procedures and Accommodations

Information for Faculty and Adjuncts

Many of your students will be requesting academic accommodations for your courses. These accommodations might include extra time on tests, a note taker, and /or enlarged handouts. This information outlines the procedures students follow to obtain their accommodations.

Course Syllabus

It is recommended that each faculty member include in their course syllabus a statement that says “If you are a student with a documented disability and are requesting special accommodations, you should be registered with the Office of AccessABILTY Resources located in the lower level of the Van Wagenen Library.”

Before any student with a disability receives accommodations from you, you should ask to see the student’s accommodation form that is issued from AccessABILITY Resources. This form will list the accommodations that the student will receive. It will also let you know who is registered. You do not have to accommodate students who haven’t shown proof that they’ve submitted the proper documentation to AccessABILTY Resources. Accommodation Plans are updated each semester.


The student with a disability must register with the Coordinator of AccessABILITY Resources to receive some services. The services that the coordinator gives to a student are based on the submitted documentation. Listed below are some of the services available to documented students: 


Document, Document, Document

If you have a student with a disability who is a concern, we strongly recommend that you document your communications with the student and the parents. At a later date, you may be asked for information about the student at a dismissal meeting or a disciplinary hearing etc. Keep good records!

Final Note

Please feel free to contact AccessABILTY Resources Office with any of your questions or concerns at 255- 5282, email or visit the Van Wagenen Library (lower level). 

Extended Time Testing in the Center for Academic Support and Excellence (CASE)

Testing Procedures 

Prior to taking any test in the office of AccessABILTY Resources the student must identify him/herself to you and be registered with the AccessABILTY Resources (AR). Professors should see a student’s “Accommodation Form” before testing in AccessABILTY Resources Office.

Steps to Request Testing at  AccessABILTY Resources Office 

  1. The Student should fill out a Request for Testing Accommodations form or pick up a hard copy of the form from AccessABILITY Resources Office.
  2. The student will fill out the student portion of the form.
  3. The student will give you the form to fill out and sign.
  4. The student will return the form to the AccessABILTY Resources Office at least 2 business days before the exam. Ex: Test on a Monday = form turned in on Thursday
  5. The student needs to fill out a form for each exam he/she plans to take at the AccessABILTY Resources Office. If the exams are given on a weekly basis the student may fill out only 1 form with the dates for the weekly exams.
  6. If the scheduled test is cancelled, the student needs to notify AccessABILITY Resources Office staff at 255-5282 or 255-5870 or dss@cobleskill.edu.

Common Testing Accommodations

More About Testing

Tests are proctored at AccessABILTY Resources Office between the hours of 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM, (except for finals week). Exams must be completed by 4:00 PM. If the instructor schedules a test for a time during which the AccessABILTY Resources Office is not open, it is up to the student to arrange with the instructor a convenient time for taking the test.

Students must realize that part of the reason they are testing in an alternative setting is to allow them extended time. When scheduling the test with the instructor, students should pick a time in their schedule that allows them time and a half or double time to complete their exam. The allotted time is determined by the student’s documentation.