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Culinary Extravaganza

8th Annual Culinary Extravaganza

culinary students serving at culinary extravaganza












Save $25 per guest when you buy your EarlyBird tickets in advance of August 16. 

Purchase Tickets Now

The Culinary Extravaganza showcases top regional chefs, working alongside our own culinary arts students and faculty. As one of SUNY Cobleskill’s major annual fundraising events, the Culinary Extravaganza is a fantastic opportunity to support initiatives benefiting our students and programs. 

The event will be held on the Friday, October 4, 2019.


Event Title Sponsor 



Aspiring Student Chef Sponsor



Celebrity Chef Sponsor 



Culinary Station Sponsor 



Supporting Sponsor 



*All contributions of $250 or more include recognition in the College Foundation Donor Appreciation Report and membership in the President’s Second Century Circle.