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College Foundation Board

Our Mission

The SUNY Cobleskill College Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 corporation established in 1969 to develop additional resources to enable the college to provide quality educational experiences for its students.

Scholarship funds constitute the largest single use of the assets of the Foundation:

Also supported by Foundation resources:

The Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors representing many diverse constituencies. Men and women from all professions, business, industry, civic and social organizations, and college alumni serve without compensation to assist the college in its mission to provide the highest quality of academic service.


President – John Brust
Vice President – Mitchell Nudelman ’97, MD, JD
Treasurer – Geoff Rightmyer ’95
Secretary – Maggie Jackson ’94
Past President – Tim Purcell ’94
Assistant Treasurer – Wendy Gilman

Faculty Representative

Katrina Pearl

Student Representative

Suzzy Kotoku

Alumni Association Representatives

Geoffrey Rightmyer ’95
Emiley Purvis '03


Joseph Batchelder
Joanne Darcy Crum ’75
Kevin D'Onofrio
Paul Gemmiti
Stanley Harris '79
Matthew Loder '88
Brian Marhaver
Charles Moran
Peter Pochily ’12
James Stigle
Kyle Tuttle ’84
Shaloni Winston


Marion A. Terenzio, PhD – College President
John J. Zacharek – Executive Director, College Foundation and Vice President for Development