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Scholarship Endowments Information

Current Scholarships


One person’s gift can inspire a tradition

A contribution from your personal success will afford future students the chance to write their own success story. Your gift can be an individual expression of your vision and goals for the future of SUNY Cobleskill and its students.

Over 75 percent of SUNY Cobleskill students are in need of some form of financial aid. One of the most meaningful ways to help students build a foundation for a lifetime of success is to endow a scholarship.

Funding Options

Endowments may be funded over a period of up to five years and by multiple donors. Endowed scholarships can also be established through an estate plan, using a bequest, charitable trust or life insurance. Currently, the minimum amount necessary to establish an endowed scholarship at SUNY Cobleskill is $10,000. However, the higher the level of giving, the greater the amount of the annual award or the greater the number of awards that can be made.


Why I Give

Derwin Bennett

Director of Educational Support Services, SUNY Cobleskill

“I established the Derwin and Annie Bennett Scholarship Endowment to honor my mom, her many acts of giving and most importantly, to provide some assistance to deserving students in pursuit of achieving their educational dreams. Giving changes lives for the better and perhaps inspires others to give.”