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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I know what the specials are for the day?

A: Menus and weekly specials are posted under Coby's, Twisted Whiskers, Farm Fresh Café, and Brickyard Brewhouse. Champlin has it's weekly menu posted on the Dining Page.


Q: Is there a limit as to what I can spend on vending PER DAY?

A: There is a $25 daily limit on vending. This is set incase your CobyCard is lost or stolen so your balance can't be totally depleted on vending.


Q: Can I use a swipe to buy a friend a meal at any of the dining halls?

A: You can use a Bonus Meal, CobyCash or Downtown Dollars but not a regular meal swipe – they are only for the card “owner”. Read more about why swipes can only be used for the card "owner" on our Refund Policy.


Q: Where can I use my CobyCash and Downtown Dollars?

A: CobyCash is only for on-campus use (vending, dining halls, bookstore).Downtown Dollars can be used at specific vendors in Cobleskill and also throughout campus. See our CobyCard site for even more information.


Q: Are there places to get items “to-go”?

A: We offer “to-go” at Coby's, Twisted Whiskers, Brickyard Brew House, Farm Fresh Café. Champlin is an eat-in facility ONLY.


Q: What are the payment options on campus for dining and vending?

A: You can “pay” for your meals or vending with the following options: Meal Plan (CobyCard), Bonus Meal (CobyCard), CobyCash, CobyFlexPoints, Downtown Dollars, Credit/Debit Card and the old standby – Cash!


Q: My parents are worried about my food allergies – what are the options to be sure I’m eating the appropriate food?

A: Great Question!! Champlin AYCTE has an Allergen Friendly area which serves in an allergen-friendly setting (no shellfish, gluten, nuts/tree nuts). If you have specific questions, please contact our allergen specialists at sternhk@cobleskill.edu or rapantad@cobleskill.edu.


Q: What if I have additional food allergies – who do I discuss these with?

A: You can discuss these with any Chef on campus. There is also an option on your meal plan form that you can check, and be sure to include your contact information so we can touch base with you. We can accommodate any food requirements you may have.


Q: What are dining hours on campus?

A: You have access to a variety of dining hall​s between the hours of 7am and 10pm (11pm Thurs-Sat). Go to the locations tab on our Dining Page to see specific hours by location.


Q: What happens if I lose my CobyCard and if someone else uses it?

A: Go to CobyLink (Student/Staff/Faculty Login) and you’ll be able to “turn it off” and then no one can use it. CobyCard Site will have more detailed information should this happen. You can also call the CobyCard office with additional questions 518-255-5886 (M-F 8am - 4:15pm).


Q: What if I’m sick and unable to get to the dining hall?

A: You can contact your Hall Resident Assistant (RA) or Director (RD) and they will provide a card for a friend to pick up your meal.