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Budget Information

The Office of Business Affairs works closely with the entire campus to develop, implement, monitor and maintain the College’s annual operating budget. As a part of the annual budget process, each department is asked to do an assessment of its needs and request the funds necessary to meet those needs. The goal of the budget process is to distribute campus resources in a manner most consistent with the College’s mission, strategic plan and goals.


Business Affairs will work with each department throughout the year to ensure that resources and expenditures are occurring in general conformity with the budget plan. It is imperative that only authorized personnel be given the ability to spend or encumber account funds.

Record of Authorized Signatures is maintained in Business Affairs.

All budget holders are encouraged to routinely monitor departmental expenses in the SUNY Business Intelligence (BI) reporting system. Monitoring budgets closely will allow departments to see if they are overspending or if there is an error that needs to be corrected.

Additional BI training can be requested by contacting the Budget and Planning Office.

Business Affairs may process requests to transfer expenditures when an account that has been overspent or to correct an expenditure that has been charged to the wrong account.

A Journal Transfer Request Form must be completed and forwarded to Business Affairs.

Please note:  The budget holder for the department where the funds are coming from must sign the request.

Annual Average Full Time Equivalent (AAFTE)(student) - Unit of measurement equal to the number of full-time equivalent students during an academic year.

Dormitory Income Fund Reimbursable (DIFR) - A self-supporting fund used to capture revenue and expenses associated with the campus dormitories. Revenue for this fund is generated by student housing fees and charges. This fund is appropriated in the Special Revenue Funds portion of the State Budget.

FTE-Full Time Equivalent (faculty/staff) - A human resources measurement equal to one staff person working full-time for one year.

General Income Fund Reimbursable (General IFR) - Self-supporting program funds which receive their revenue from services provided by the campus that are outside the core operating budget. Examples include conferences, trainings, and day care services.

Other Than Personal Service (OTPS) - Other operating expenses including supplies, equipment, utilities, and contracted services.

Personal Service Regular (PSR) - Permanent faculty and staff salaries.

SUNY Tuition Reimbursable Account (SUTRA) - An account which captures tuition revenue collected from summer session, contract courses, overseas academic programs and excess tuition revenue from the core instructional budget. This is appropriated in the Special Revenue Funds portion of the State budget.

Temporary Service (TS) - Temporary faculty and staff.