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AP: Section C - Student Classification


Matriculated Student – An individual who has been formally admitted as a full- or part-time student, is registered in a degree or certificate program under standard college and State University of New York admissions procedures, and who continues their program successfully, has matriculated status in that program.



An individual is eligible for matriculation if they hold a high school diploma or its equivalent. A high school student is eligible for matriculation subject to the limitations of the early admissions program.



Non-Matriculated or Non-Degree Students are not formally enrolled in a degree program.



Non-matriculated students may only enroll in up to 11 credit hours per semester.



Non-matriculated students are not eligible for financial aid.



Non-matriculated students may not accumulate more than 12 credit hours in nonmatriculated status (advisement and permission is required for students approaching the 12 credit mark). Exceptions are only made for those students who do not intend on earning a degree at SUNY Cobleskill.



Students must be at least 16 years old or have completed high school in order to enroll in courses at SUNY Cobleskill.



Registration - Non-matriculated students may enroll in SUNY Cobleskill courses as long as the course has seat availability and the student meets course pre-requisites. Priority is first given to current SUNY Cobleskill students. (3.10 – 3.15 Updated/Revised January 2013)



Major Course of Study – A major is a course of study pursued by a student which meets requirements of a program or an option of the A.A., A.S., A.A.S., A.O.S., BT, BBA, BS, or certificate programs. A student may change major by following the outlined procedure, as listed on the student change of status form available in the Registrar's Office.



Minor Courses - Matriculated Bachelors students seeking a minor need to meet the department requirements for the minor as defined in the catalog.

A student must see their academic advisor to declare a minor. Students must submit a change of status to add the minor to their program of study. Declaring a minor ensures the course requirements appear on the students’ degree audit and the transcript upon completion. Cobleskill follows the State University of New York diploma policy which excludes minor information from displaying on the diploma.

A minor is 15 credits or more in a secondary area of study. A maximum of 9 credits may be shared between major field requirements and a minor. A majority of credits for a minor normally would be 200 level courses or higher.

Additional remaining credits may be met with courses selected from the following: General Education, Liberal Arts and Sciences options, and elective credit requirements. A maximum of 18 credits may be shared if more than one minor is pursued.

Minor credits that are not also part of the major field requirements do not qualify for financial aid. Since students must be enrolled in at least 12 aid eligible credits to receive full time financial aid, students may have to take more than 12 credits per term to maintain eligibility when pursuing a minor.

Students must complete both major and minor requirements before applying for degree completion. Courses not completed at the time of degree conferral will mean the minor will not be included on the transcript.



Full-time Student – A student carrying 12 or more credit hours during a semester is considered a full-time student.



A student must maintain full-time status in order to be eligible for on-campus residence.



If a student amends their full-time/part-time status, their residential housing and financial aid could be impacted. Students should consult with Residential Life and the Student Financial Services Office before making changes to their student statuses.



If a student is currently enrolled as a part-time matriculated student and is seeking to attend full-time, a change of status form must be completed. The advisor and department chair for the program the student is enrolled will provide approval via the Change of Status Form. The Change of Status is submitted to the Office of the Registrar and documented in the record. Student Financial Services Office should be consulted; there may be more aid options for full-time status students.



Part-time Student – A student carrying fewer than 12 credit hours is classified as part-time.


3.42      Part-time non-matriculated students who wish to enroll as matriculated students must complete the application process designated by the director of admissions. In order to meet degree requirements, part-time students must meet all admissions requirements and request matriculation in a program.



Applicants for matriculated status must present evidence of a high school diploma or its equivalent.



High school seniors are accepted as non-matriculated students when they complete the Parttime Non-Matriculated Application and Course Selection Form. Students are not enrolled in a degree program, may enroll in up to 11 credits, are not eligible for financial aid and students must be at least 16 years of age to enroll.



Special Student* - The College also recognizes that students who have graduated may want to return to explore a new degree program.



Students not holding a degree from Cobleskill may elect to take course work in a different major without declaring this major for a period not to exceed one semester.



Students who have graduated from Cobleskill may return for a period not to exceed one semester for the purpose of exploring a different degree program. Graduates will be matriculated in the same school as their original degree program.



A student who has filed an approved change of status form for either of these changes will be considered a "special student" and remain an advisee of the school where previously registered.



Credit Bearing Badges – Definition: Micro-credentials represent a learner’s “competency based” achievements. Badges arising from credit bearing course(s), i.e., credit bearing badges, are the electronic representation of a Micro-credential, and are used as portable evidence of competencies and accomplishments that individuals use to boost their résumés and to showcase skills. Badges may be displayed on online platforms, including LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and any digital badge backpack, such as Mozilla Open Source. Badges may also be listed on resumes and CVs. Badges are issued to learners who have successfully completed the criteria for the badge. The learning or achievements represented by badges can take place in any environment, (lecture, lab, workshops etc.) within formal educational programs. Combined together, a series of aligned credit bearing badges may be used to fulfill a larger integrated digital credential or a larger set of requirements, for either a minor or degree.


Policy: Elements of a badge should encompass clear, measurable learning outcomes, assessments aligned to the outcomes, and evidence of student mastery of the outcomes through reliable and valid assessment.

Anyone who is eligible to take the required courses may earn a badge. There is no special application for badge programs. An application must be submitted by non-matriculated student to earn a badge in for-credit courses. Students already matriculated in a program simply register for the course(s) required.

The badge must show the qualifications of SUNY Cobleskill and their trustworthiness.

The badge must show the relationship between the badge and larger programs, professional learning pathways, and/or larger skill sets.

All credit bearing badge proposals will have to go through the same channels as traditional classes.

Badges must be held to a high standard that will be evident to business/industry.

Credit bearing badges must contain a minimum of 45 contact hours of course work or three credits and must focus on discrete skills. The quality of work to earn a credit bearing badge must be consistent with a letter grade of C or better. All credits earned for badges may be used toward minors, associates degrees, or bachelor degrees, subject to the degree program requirements.

Upon Completion: Badge credits are awarded as “badged” upon successful completion of the requirements for that badge. The badge grade is included on the student’s transcript. In addition, students completing a badge will receive an appropriately worded designation, such as an electronic badge, signifying that it was issued by SUNY Cobleskill and what was required to complete the badge.

Approval Process: Proposals for new badges must begin with the Badge Planning Form provided by the Curriculum Committee. If the badge proposal is selected to go forward, then it should follow the standard curriculum review process.

Criteria for Approval: A demonstrated need must exist in order for a badge proposal to be evaluated positively. Additionally, course work should offer clear educational objectives. The deans, chairs, and other administrators should address resource issues in their statement of support.

*To review eligibility for financial aid, contact the Student Financial Services Office.