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AP: Section L - Awarding Degrees


Degrees Awarded Posthumously - Under certain circumstances, when a student enrolled in the final year of study has completed 75% or more of their degree requirements before passing, a degree may be awarded posthumously. The request to award a degree posthumously may be made to a member of the President’s Cabinet who puts forward a recommendation to the President. The President will notify both the family of the student and the Registrar’s Office of the decision to award a degree posthumously.

The student’s family will be invited to receive the degree at the Graduation Ceremony held in May, or the degree will be mailed to the family once awarded, depending on the family’s wishes. The student will be honored in memoriam in the commencement program.

Documents commemorating conferral of the degree will be inclusive of the statement “Graduated in Memoriam” with the degree and the date of conferral on the transcript. A diploma will include the language “Degree Awarded in Memoriam”.