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AP: Section J - Academic Standing


Retention Standards - A student who meets the following standards is retained. All retained students may receive financial aid if eligible. Any student whose average falls below the retention standards may be reviewed for probationary retention.



Semester 1

Semester 2

Semester 3

Semester 4

Remaining Semesters







Progress Toward Degree - A student who has successfully completed:

19 or fewer credits is considered a first semester student;

20-35 credits is considered a second semester student;

36-48 credits is considered a third semester student;

49-60 credits is considered a fourth semester student;

61-75 credits is considered a fifth semester student;

76-90 credits is considered a sixth semester student;

91-105 credits is considered a seventh semester student;

106-124 credits is considered an eighth semester student;

125-140 credits is considered a ninth semester student;

141-156 credits is considered a tenth semester student.


Academic Standing Needed for Practica - Early Childhood majors must possess a 2.00 cumulative average and a 2.00 major average in order to be assigned to practica.


Academic Probation - A student whose cumulative GPA is less than 2.00 is on academic probation and remains so until the cumulative GPA is at or above 2.00.


Notification of Academic Probation - Students on academic probation are so notified, in writing, by the vice president for academic affairs.


Guidelines for Students on Academic Probation - A student whose cumulative average is below a 2.00 is on academic probation. The maximum permissible credit load for a student on probation will be 15 credit hours. (This is to include courses which are being repeated to raise a C-, D, D+ or F grade.) Any exceptions to this regulation must be approved by using the change of status form.

When repetition of a grade is required, a student on probation is encouraged to repeat any C-, D, D+ and F grades at the first available opportunity.

Faculty will be able to view student mid-term grades on-line after the seventh week of the semester.

A student on probation is expected to schedule regular conferences with their advisor and course instructors. The student should also take full advantage of other services available such as the Center for Academic Support and Excellence, Career Development Center and math tutoring.


Academic Suspension - A student is subject to suspension if the cumulative GPA does not meet the standards in 10.00.


Definition of Suspension - Suspension is separation from active student status (applies to both full-time and part-time status) at the College and may include terms which must be met before the student can apply for readmission.


Notification of Suspension - The vice president for academic affairs will notify the student in writing.


Appeal of Suspension - A student may appeal a decision of suspension in writing to the dean of their school within the time limits stated in their notification.


President’s List - Matriculated students achieving a semester average of 4.0 with no failing grades, incomplete or “U” grades will be named to the President’s List.


Dean's List - Matriculated students achieving a semester average of 3.50 to 3.99, with no “F”, incomplete or "U" grades will be named to the Dean's List. Matriculated students achieving an average of 3.00 to 3.49 with no “F”, incomplete or "U" grades will be named to the Dean's Honorable Mention List.


Honors - Students who earn the necessary cumulative GPA and who meet the requirements stated in 10.80/10.81/10.82 are Honors Students. Graduation honors are awarded upon completion of the final semester and include Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude and Summa Cum Laude are honors designations. For purposes of the Commencement Ceremony a preliminary determination is made for graduation honors based on student performance in the semester preceding the ceremony.


Cum Laude - A student whose GPA is 3.25 - 3.49 at the time of graduation.


Magna Cum Laude - A student whose GPA is 3.50 - 3.89 at the time of graduation.


Summa Cum Laude - A student whose GPA is a 3.9 or above at the time of graduation.


Eligibility for Student Athlete Participation in Collegiate Athletics