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AP: Section K - Graduation Requirements


Students must meet the degree requirements of the catalog for which they are matriculated.

Major and minor degree requirements must be within the same catalog year.

A student may move into a later catalog year if it is advantageous for the student’s degree completion to do so.

A lapse of attendance requires readmission and can result in a change in the student’s catalog.

Students must seek guidance from their academic advisor before considering changing their catalog year. An approved Change of Status must be submitted to the Registrar’s office.

11.00a Dual Degrees

A student may earn two bachelor degrees (BT, BS, BBA) or one bachelor degree and one associates degree (A.A.S., AS, AA, AOS), or two associates degrees simultaneously1. The following restrictions apply:

  1. For two associate degrees, at least 30 credits of the major in the first degree must not be contained in the program plan of the major in the second degree (this includes both major courses and required cognate courses). For an associate degree and a bachelor degree or two bachelor degrees, at least 30 credits of the major in the primary degree must not be contained in the program plan of the major in the secondary degree (this includes both major courses and required cognate courses). Beyond 30 major credits not in common, all other courses applied to the primary degree may be applied to the secondary degree. Simply stated, there must be, at minimum, a 30-credit difference between the majors of the associate degree and bachelor degree or two bachelor degrees.
  1. The student must complete the college-wide requirements associated with each degree. The primary difference between degrees relates to the minimum number of liberal arts credits required (AAS degree, 20 credits. AS degree, 30 credits, AA degree, 45 credits, AOS (credits per program requirements), BT and BBA degree 30 credits, BS degree, 60 credits.) The number of liberal arts credits will be determined by both program requirements, if equal, or the greater of the two.
  1. To apply for a secondary degree, students must meet the minimum grade requirements required by each degree.

For example, a student is enrolled in a BS in Early Childhood Studies along with a BT in Therapeutic Horsemanship. If they were taking the course PSYC 300, it would fulfill the requirements for Therapeutic Horsemanship with a D or better. If the student wanted to use this course towards their degree in Early Childhood Studies, it would not fulfill as a major field requirement since a minimum grade of C is needed. If they received a D in the course and wanted it to count towards their Early Childhood degree, they would need to retake the course and earn with a C or better.

1Students should be fully aware of any financial aid implications and program/credentialing restrictions before selecting a second degree.


1) Students may drop their secondary degree or major prior to graduation application with no financial aid implications.

2) Students may change the secondary degree or major prior to graduation application with no financial aid implications.

3) Students may change their primary degree prior to graduation application. If a student changes their primary degree, it will automatically drop their secondary degree or major, and they will have to reapply for a secondary degree or major. Students should be fully aware of any financial aid implications and program/credentialing restrictions before changing their primary degree.


Associate Degree Requirements - To qualify for the A.A., A.S., A.A.S. or A.O.S. degree, the candidate must complete the minimum credits, must meet the course and distributive requirements of their program, must earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00, and must satisfy the SUNY General Education requirements. No developmental courses may be applied toward the credits needed for graduation. All students must have successfully completed a minimum of 3 credits of coursework designated as “applied learning” to meet their degree requirements. Specific program/degree requirements should be obtained through the Registrar’s Office. One bachelor degree and one associate degree or two associate degrees can be earned in the same semester.


Bachelor Degree Requirements - To qualify for the BBA, BT, BS degree, the candidate must complete the minimum number of credits, must meet the course and distributive requirements of their program, must earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 and must satisfy the SUNY General Education requirements. No developmental courses may be applied toward the credits needed for graduation. All students must have successfully completed a minimum of 3 credits of coursework designated as “applied learning” to meet their degree requirements. Specific program/degree requirements should be obtained through the Registrar’s office. Two bachelor degrees or one bachelor degree and one associate degree can be awarded in the same semester.


Bachelor Degree Internship - The Internship is intended to advance student competence in their chosen field of study through practical application of academic knowledge in a relevant real-world setting. The internship involves performing the duties of a faculty supervisor approved internship location in their field in order to enhance the educational experience by providing students an opportunity to explore a specific career path. The Bachelor degree internship procedure and timeline is available through the Student Success Center or in the office of the school of study.


Mathematics Competency - Mathematics competency is required of all A.A., A.S., A.A.S. and Bachelor degree candidates. The requirement can be satisfied by any one of the following:

  1. The student having been placed into MATH 101 and passing the course with a C- (at least 69.5% average) or higher. Note: Passing MATH 101 with at least a C- SATISFIES the Mathematics Competency requirement, but DOES NOT SATISFY a mathematics requirement which may be necessary in the student’s degree program.
  1. The student achieving at least a 75 on the New York State Course III or MATH B Regents.
  1. The student passing college-level mathematics course (a MATH course having at least 3 credits and a number of 103 or higher).
  1. The Registrar granting three or more transfer credits in mathematics.
  1. The Registrar accepting Advanced Placement credit in mathematics (a score of 3 or higher).


Business Administration and Information Technologies Program Academic Policy To qualify for the A.S., A.A.S., or Bachelors degree in the Business Administration or Information Technologies program, candidates must complete, with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00, all required and elective courses bearing the major field course prefixes.


Early Childhood Programs Academic Policy - To qualify for the A.A.S., A.S. or BS degree in Early Childhood, candidates must earn a grade of “C” or better in all major field requirements. Courses with "C-," "D", “D+” or "F" grades must be repeated at the first available opportunity.


Agriculture and Food Management Department Policy - To qualify for the A.A.S or A.O.S. degree in any culinary program, candidates must complete all required and elective courses with prefixes of CAHT, and MKHT with a minimum GPA of 2.00.


Financial Obligations - All financial obligations must be met before a diploma is issued to the student.


Courses with 290 Suffix - No more than a total of four (4) credits in 290/390 courses will be accepted toward Associate degree requirements.


Courses with 390 Suffix - No more than a total of six (6) credits in 290/390 courses will be accepted toward a Bachelors degree.


Refusal of Credits (See 2.06)



Time Limit to Meet Full-time Degree Requirements - Degree requirements are determined by the catalog under which the student is initially matriculated and remain in force if the student maintains continuous matriculation. A student who discontinues enrollment for one year or more without being granted an official leave of absence, may apply for readmission and then fulfill the degree requirements in effect at that time. If the student does not apply for readmission, there is a time limit of two years in which to complete the remaining requirements from initial matriculation.


Liberal Arts and Sciences Requirements: A.A.S. Degree - Candidates for the A.A.S. degree must earn 22 credits in liberal arts and sciences and should follow the requirements as determined by the department or school.


Removed - Liberal Arts and Sciences Requirements: Bachelor’s Degree

Candidates for the BT and BBA degree must earn 34 credits in liberal arts and science and follow the requirements as determined by the department or school. Candidates for the BS degree must earn 60 to 65 credits in liberal arts and science and follow the requirements as determined by the department or school.


Participation in Graduation Ceremony - All candidates who apply and are certified as enrolled in course work to meet all degree requirements identified for graduation by the registrar may participate in the graduation ceremony. A candidate for May graduation is an associate degree student who will have completed all course requirements in their area or a Bachelor degree student who will have completed all course requirements. The only exceptions will be for Bachelor’s degree students missing a summer degree internship or for students in an associate degree program which, by design, requires a summer internship.

Students who have met all degree requirements the previous summer or fall semesters prior to May graduation must also apply for graduation and indicate their intention to participate in the May graduation ceremony. Disclaimers will be printed in the graduation program, indicating names listed are of candidates for the degree, subject to certification of having met all degree requirements. Certification of those degree requirements will be completed by June 1. Diplomas will be mailed to all successful graduates who have applied for graduation. (Effective Fall 2011 - approved 3/11)


Students are required to apply for graduation in the semester prior to the anticipated degree completion. Students must apply no later than April 15th for December or August degree completion and November 15th for May degree completion. Students who do not apply will not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony (see 1.19) (Effective Fall 2011 - approved 3/11)