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AP: Section D - Enrollment, Withdrawal, Waiver Policies


Registered Student – Students are considered officially registered when they enroll in classes and have fulfilled all college-related financial obligations.


All students who have not completed all financially-related obligations by the close of business on the semester due date will be charged a late registration fee and a late payment fee monthly while the balance is still due.


Add/Drop (Schedule Adjustment) – Courses may be added or dropped only during the period so designated and announced by the registrar. After consultation with the advisor and obtaining the Alt PIN, all transactions are done through Banner Web. Students can consult with the instructor of a course when Banner Web restrictions prevent them from accessing a seat in a course(s). It is the instructor’s discretion to determine if a Registration Override may be authorized for a seat in a course(s).


Advisement – A student is assigned a faculty advisor who is to be consulted regarding all academic transactions. These include, among others, add/drop, scheduling, withdrawal from College, withdrawal from courses, degree requirements, progress toward the degree, course substitutions, waiver of requirements, transfer of off-campus credits, carrying over 19 hours, rebates, repeating courses, dual degrees, and changes of major. Advisement week for preregistration typically occurs during the last week in October for Spring Registration and the last week in March for Summer and Fall Registration.


Class Enrollments – A student must enroll for courses at the times designated by the registrar of the College, including the first five days of the semester. Students must consult with their academic advisors and register via banner web to be deemed enrolled in classes.


Enrollment Priorities – Matriculated students are given enrollment priorities in required and elective courses which are determined by class standing at the College; seniors first, then sophomores, juniors and students who have achieved less than 30 credits. Non-matriculated part-time students may enroll in courses on a space available basis.


Registration of Part-Time Students – New part-time degree students should contact the Office of Admissions. Continuing non-degree students register through the Registrar’s Office.


Late Registration - A fee is charged if registration is not completed by the close of business on semester check-in day.


Early Enrollment of Classes – Students may select and record the classes in which they will be enrolled in the subsequent semester. In order to register for courses student must meet with their academic advisor and upon consultation will be given an alternative pin which is used to register for classes for the upcoming term. This occurs during the 11th week of the semester typically the first week in November for Spring Registration and the first week in April for the Summer and Fall Registration.


Normal Course Load – Full-time students carry 12 to 19 credit hours per semester.


Below Minimum Course Load (12 Credits) – Students who fall below 12 credit hours for whatever reason:

(a) may jeopardize financial aid;

(b) may lose eligibility to live on campus;

(c) may jeopardize EOP status.


Over Maximum Course Load (19+ Credits) – Students requesting to take 19.5 - 21 credits in a semester must hold a GPA of 3.0 or better and must obtain the signature of the Academic Advisor. The student may appeal a denied request to the Department Chair. Students requesting to take greater than 21 credits in a semester must hold a GPA of 3.25 or better and must obtain the signature of the Academic Advisor and Department Chair. Students without an established GPA may pursue greater than 19.5 credits with Academic Advisor and Department Chair approval. The student may appeal a denied request to the Dean.


Official Withdrawal from College – Students may withdraw from the College without academic penalty on or before the last day of class. Students are considered officially withdrawn when they complete the withdrawal process designated by the registrar. Students who fail to complete the process are liable for academic penalty.


Withdrawal from College in First Ten Weeks of Semester – Students who withdraw from College during the course withdrawal period (the first ten weeks of the semester) will receive grades of "W" in all semester-length courses. They will also receive grades of "W" in incomplete 5, 8, or 10-week module courses.


Withdrawal from College After the Tenth Week – Students who withdraw from College after the course withdrawal period and before completing final examinations will receive grades of "W".


Leaving College: Unofficial Withdrawal – Students who leave College without officially withdrawing are considered enrolled students and their grades will be recorded. This regulation may be waived by the Provost/VP for Academic Affairs when circumstances warrant.


Withdrawal from Course(s) by Student – A student may withdraw from a course(s) during the first ten weeks of a semester (pro-rated for modular courses) and will receive a grade of "W." After the tenth week, students may not withdraw from courses unless the instructor concerned, the student's advisor, and the dean in the degree program in which the student is enrolled recommend such action to the Provost/vice president for Academic Affairs. The recommendations must be in writing with supportive statements as to the extenuating circumstances which warrant the withdrawal. If permitted to withdraw, a grade of "W" will be assigned (see 4.11).


Withdrawal from Courses by Instructor - An instructor may request that the school dean cancel a student's registration in a course because of excessive absences or violation of academic regulations and standards as stated in the course policies or the College academic code. The dean will inform the student in writing citing the reason(s) for the withdrawal. When a student is withdrawn for excessive absence within the first 10 weeks, a grade of "W" will be assigned. After 10 weeks, a grade of "F" may be assigned.


Withdrawal from Courses by Instructor: Appeal – Students may appeal removal from a course by an instructor via a letter to the dean, with a copy to the instructor, within seven days of the date of issuance of the academic withdrawal. If the appeal is denied by the dean, a student may appeal to the vice president for academic affairs who may appoint three persons from the Academic Policies Committee to hear the appeal.


Academic Leave of Absence – Full-time matriculated students who must interrupt their program at the College for reasons deemed acceptable to the vice president for academic affairs, may be granted an academic leave for a specified period of time. Full-time students must have a minimum GPA of 2.00 and must have completed one or more semesters to be considered for an academic leave of absence. Students may return to the campus following the leave by contacting the Registrar’s Office to select classes.


Military Leave of Absence – State law requires that any student in an institution of higher education who is a member of the national guard or other reserve component of the armed forces of the United States and is called or ordered to active duty or is a member of the state organized militia, and is called or ordered to active duty for the state, as defined in subdivision one of section six of the military law, the institution of higher education in which the student is enrolled shall grant the student a military leave of absence from the institution while such student is serving on active duty, and for one year after the conclusion of such service.


Auditing Courses – Any interested person may audit a course with the consent of the instructor. Audit is permitted on a space-available basis, but may not include courses which have laboratory or studio activities.

There is no tuition charge, however, a registration fee of $50 will be charged. This registration fee will not be assessed to course auditors who are already enrolled as students.

By definition, auditors merely "sit in" on courses, are not officially enrolled or listed on course rosters. Auditors attend without credit or formal recognition and are not required to meet the requirements of the course.

Registration for audit courses must be completed during the add/drop period through the Registrar’s Office. All documentation of audit courses will be maintained by the registrar.


Waiver of Degree/Certificate Requirements – Upon recommendation of the advisor and dean, the vice president for academic affairs may waive certain degree requirement(s) for a student. The total number of required credits cannot be waived, nor can the State Education Department's distributive requirements. An approved change of status form must be filed.


Permanent Waiver of Physical Education Requirement – This requirement may be waived by the Director of Sport and Exercise based on recommendations from the Wellness Center, Physical Education Department chairperson, or a physician with appropriate documentation. If waived, students must still complete the minimum credit requirement of their chosen degree program. An approved change of status form must be filed.


Varsity Athletic Credit Toward Physical Education Requirement - Varsity athletic credit earned at SUNY Cobleskill may be used to meet the physical education/college requirement PHED 151 Wellness or PHED elective.