Schedule Information
Schedules are found in Banner Web by clicking on 'Student Profile Page' and then 'View
Your Schedule'. This will bring you to the 'View Registration Information' landing
page. This page provides a snapshot view of the courses you are registered for, as
well as a block schedule view of your in person courses. It's important to note that
online courses will not appear in the block schedule. To view your complete schedule,
inclusive of course days, times, instructors, locations, and online courses (if applicable),
you will click on the 'Schedule Details' link found on the top of the block schedule
The information below is intended to help you better understand your schedule. If
you need further assistance, please contact the Registrar's Office or see your academic
This is an example of the 'View Registration Information' landing page. Click on image to enlarge it:
This is an example of the 'Schedule Details' page. Click on image to enlarge it:
Abbreviations for courses are as follows:
AAMS | African American Studies |
ACCT | Accounting |
AGBU | Agricultural Business |
AGED | Agricultural Education |
AGEN | Agricultural Engineering |
AGRN | Agronomy |
AGSC | Agricultural Science |
AMSL | American Sign Language |
ANSC | Animal Science |
ANTH | Anthropology |
ARTS | Arts |
BADM | Business Administration |
BIOL | Biological Sciences |
CAHT | Culinary Arts |
CANI | Canine Training & Management |
CHEM | Chemistry |
CITA | Computer Information Technology |
COMM | Communications |
CYBR | Cybersecurity |
ECHD | Early Childhood |
ECON | Economics |
EMSC | Emergency Medical Services |
ENGL | English |
ENGR | Engineering Science |
ENHT | Environmental Health |
ENVR | Environmental |
ESOL | English as a Second Language |
FFCS | Foundations for College Success |
FREN | French |
FSMA | Financial Services Management |
FWLD | Fisheries and Wildlife |
GART | Graphic Arts & Design |
GIST | Geographical Information Systems |
GOVT | Government |
HIST | History |
HONR | Honors |
HUMS | Humanities |
INTR | Internship (Placeholder ONLY) |
JOUR | Journalism |
LANG | Language |
MATH | Mathematics |
MKHT | Marketing, Hospitality & Tourism |
MUSC | Music |
NAMS | Native American Studies |
NTRN | Nutrition |
ORHT | Ornamental Horticulture |
PERS | Phys Education, Rec & Sports Studies |
PHED | Physical Education |
PHIL | Philosophy |
PHYS | Physics |
PSCI | Physical Sciences |
PSYC | Psychology |
RECM | Recreational Land Management |
SABR | Study Abroad |
SOSC | Sociology |
SPAN | Spanish |
SPIN | Sport Industry |
SUST | Sustainability |
TRAV | Travel & Resort Marketing |
XREG | Cross Registration |
Abbreviations for Academic Buildings
ASA | Animal Science A/ Canine Classroom |
ASD | Animal Science D/ Canine Kennels |
AL | Alumni Hall |
BH | Bouck Hall |
CANR | Center for Agriculture & Natural Resources |
CC | Child Care Center |
CEST | Center for Environmental Science & Technology |
CH | Champlin Hall |
CM | Curtis-Mott Hall |
DB | Dairy Barn |
FH | Field House |
FR | Frisbie Hall |
HO | Holmes Hall |
LRC | Library |
OFFCAM | Off Campus |
OG | Old Gym |
ONLINE | Online Course |
PH | Prentice Hall |
REMOTE | Remote Course |
WA | Warner Hall |
WH | Wheeler Hall |
For a complete description of courses, consult the College Catalog